In this opening we are introduced to all the main characters from the first series of Misfits (2009), This first series focus' on 5 young offenders (Bottom right (Gary) dies in the first episode). The opening lasts a total of 45 seconds and though out the duration we have no dialog. Instead of dialogue we have quite a modern song, its quite new and electronic (this should appeal to the target audience of teens), this song could also appeal to the characters and this makes viewers relate to the newly introduced characters.
The first shot is of a young women's legs, this could have sexual connotations and relate to her character, then we use a pedestal movement moving up her legs and at mid thigh a cut-in is used to frame her face (the entirety of this lasts 6 seconds). Next we cut to a mid shot of a young man who is smoking this gives the impression he is scruffy and laid back, slowly we zoom in. Now to a close up of another young woman but this is very brief (4 seconds). Again to a different character (young man) who is framed in the middle of a medium close up he seems quite smart and well presented. Now to an even shorter medium close up of another young man this time quite Chav-y in presentation. Finally to the last young man in medium close up starting at his abb's now we have another pedestal movement upward (could signifie a bond with the first woman who also has a similar camera movement) (without a cut) to his face witch seems worried.
Through out the sequence of introduction to the characters we have an almost slow motion edit on all of them this makes the opening scene quite surreal but also lets us focus in on the characters. We go though 2 more sequences of seeing the characters but this time for a lot shorter although with very similar shots of each of then (the non-diajetic sound also speeds up along with the camera movements).
Another aspect that stays the same for all characters is the costume, all of them sport orange jump-suits which have connotations of danger and prison. Both prison and danger of course being a major theme through out the series. Other themes we see represented in this opening scene are sex, drugs, companionship and lonelyness.
The lighting is quite dull and seems almost boring however it acts as a great contrast with the jump-suits making the jump-suits stand out but the people blend in more (signifing there just jump-suits made for work not people). < Opening scene for Misfits.
Excellent work on openings Aaron!